Course Unit Title Course Unit Code Type of Course Unit Level of Course Unit Year of Study Semester ECTS Credits
Environmental Protection MEN209 Elective Bachelor's degree 2 Fall 4

Name of Lecturer(s)

Prof. Dr. Nevim GENÇ
Associate Prof. Dr. Şenay ÇETİN DOĞRUPARMAK
Assistant Prof. Dr. Simge ÇANKAYA
Research Assistant Dr. Eylem TOPKAYA

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1) Explaining concepts of ecology and ecosystem
2) Stating air, water, soil, noise, radioactive pollution and the removal of these pollution
3) Explaining solid wastes and control
4) Explaining environmental impact assessment
5) Comprehending management systems
6) Explaining legal regulations regarding the environment

Program Competencies-Learning Outcomes Relation

  Program Competencies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Learning Outcomes
1 Low No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation Middle No relation No relation No relation
2 No relation No relation Middle No relation No relation No relation No relation Middle No relation No relation No relation
3 No relation No relation Middle No relation No relation No relation No relation Middle No relation No relation No relation
4 No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation
5 No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation
6 No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation

Mode of Delivery

Face to Face

Prerequisites and Co-Requisites


Recommended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

This course covers, ecology and ecosystems,air pollution and control systems, water pollution, solid wastes and controlling noise pollution, radioactive pollution, soil pollution, environmental impact assesment, environmental management systems, occupational health and safety and legal arrangements about environment.

Weekly Schedule

1) The main environmental problems
2) Concepts of ecology and ecosystem
3) Air poullution and control of air pollutants
4) Atmospheric events
5) Water pollution
6) Solid waste and recycling
7) Composting, storage and combustion
8) Midterm examination/Assessment
9) Hazardous and medical waste
10) Workers' health and job security
11) Environmental management system
12) Environmental impact assessment
13) Noise pollution
14) Radioactive contamination
15) Soil pollution, Regulations relating to the environment
16) Final examination

Recommended or Required Reading

1- ÇEVRE KİRLİLİĞİ VE KONTROL YÖNTEMLERİ (Ders Notları), Prof.Dr. Savaş Ayberk, 2003.
2- ÇEVRE KİRLENMESİ VE KONTROLÜ, Prof.Dr. Mehmet Karpuzcu, Kubbealtı Dizgi Merkezi, 2004.
3- HAVA KİRLENMESİ KONTROLÜ, Olcay Tünay, İstanbul Ticaret Odası Yayını, 1996.
4- EKOLOJİ VE ÇEVRE BİLİMLERİ, Prof.Dr. Fikret Berkes, Remzi Kitabevi, 1994.
5- Ders notları ve power point sunusu
6- Lecture notes and power point presentation
7- /-
8- /-
9- /-
10- /-
11- /-
12- /-
13- /-
14- /-
15- /-
16- /-
17- /-
18- /-

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

1) Lecture
2) Discussion
3) Drill and Practice
4) Problem Solving
5) Project Based Learning

Assessment Methods and Criteria

Contribution of Midterm Examination to Course Grade


Contribution of Final Examination to Course Grade




Language of Instruction


Work Placement(s)

Not Required