Course Unit Title Course Unit Code Type of Course Unit Level of Course Unit Year of Study Semester ECTS Credits
General Chemistry I OMP117 Compulsory Associate degree 1 Fall 6

Name of Lecturer(s)

Associate Prof. Dr. Merve DANDAN DOĞANCI
Associate Prof. Dr. Taner ERDOĞAN
Associate Prof. Dr. Serpil ÖZKURT SİVRİKAYA
Lecturer Kazım KAHRAMAN

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1) Explain the basic chemical concepts.
2) Explain the atomic structure and atom theories.
3) Explain the types and the formation of chemical bonds
4) Draw the Lewis and rezonance structures of various molecules
5) Explain the concept of molecular geometry and their results.
6) Make the stoichiometric calculations of chemical reactions.
7) Make the calculations related with the gas laws and ideal gas equation.
8) Make concentration calculations of solutions

Program Competencies-Learning Outcomes Relation

  Program Competencies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Learning Outcomes
1 High No relation No relation Low Low No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation
2 Middle No relation No relation Low No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation
3 Low No relation No relation Low No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation
4 Low No relation No relation Low No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation
5 Low No relation No relation Low No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation
6 Low No relation No relation Middle No relation Middle No relation No relation No relation No relation
7 Low No relation No relation Low No relation Low No relation No relation No relation No relation
8 Low No relation No relation Low No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation

Mode of Delivery

Face to Face

Prerequisites and Co-Requisites


Recommended Optional Programme Components

Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry

Course Contents

Basic concepts; atomic structure; atom theories; periodic table; Lewis structures, formal charge and resonance; ionic and kovalent bonds; chemical calculations; gases, solids, liquids and changes in the state of matter; solutions.

Weekly Schedule

1) Basic Concepts
2) Atomic structure
3) Molecular systems
4) Chemical Bonds
5) Lewis Structures and Formal Charge
6) Molecular Geometry
7) Chemical Equations
8) Midterm examination/Assessment
9) Chemical Equations
10) Gases Gases
11) Gases Gases
12) Liquids
13) Solids
14) Solutions
15) Solutions
16) Final examination

Recommended or Required Reading

- Ders Notları

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

1) Lecture
2) Question-Answer
3) Discussion
4) Drill and Practice
5) Lab / Workshop

Assessment Methods and Criteria

Contribution of Midterm Examination to Course Grade


Contribution of Final Examination to Course Grade




Language of Instruction


Work Placement(s)

Not Required