Course Unit Title Course Unit Code Type of Course Unit Level of Course Unit Year of Study Semester ECTS Credits
Systematic Philosophy I FDB117 Elective Master's degree 1 Fall 8

Name of Lecturer(s)

Associate Prof. Dr. Mustafa EREN

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1) Recognizes the basic disciplines of philosophy
2) Evaluates philosophical schools of thought from a critical point of view
3) Uses the topics in the basic disciplines of philosophy in current debates.

Program Competencies-Learning Outcomes Relation

  Program Competencies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Learning Outcomes
1 High High High High High High High High Low Middle
2 High High High High High High High High Low Low
3 High High High High High High High High Low Middle

Mode of Delivery

Face to Face

Prerequisites and Co-Requisites


Recommended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Texts on the definition of philosophy, philosophy of being, philosophy of morality, philosophy of knowledge, political philosophy and philosophy of art

Weekly Schedule

1) Definition and history of philosophy
2) Topics of philosophy
3) Ontology
4) Ontology
5) Moral Philosophy
6) Moral Philosophy
7) Epistemology
8) Mid-term
9) Epistemology
10) Political philosophy
11) Political philosophy
12) Philosophy of Art
13) Philosophy of Art
14) Philosophy of Science
15) General Assesment
16) Final Examination

Recommended or Required Reading

1- Lokman Çilingir, Felsefeye Giriş, (Ankara: Elis Yay., 2013)
2- Ahmet Cevizci, Felsefeye Giriş (İstanbul: SAY Yay., 2015)
3- Bochensky, Felsefece Düşünmenin Yolları, çev: K. Dinçer, Bilgesu Yay., 2009)
4- H.Heimsoeth, Felsefenin Temel Disiplinleri, çev. Kurtuluş Dinçer, Remzi Kitabevi.)
5- Stanley M. Honer, Thomas C. Hunt, Dennis L. Okholm, Felsefeye Çağrı, çev. Hasan Ünder (İstanbul: İmge Kitabevi, 2014)
6- Pierre Hadot, İlkçağ Felsefesi Nedir? çev. Muna Cedden (İstanbul: Dost Kitabevi,1995)
7- W.T. Jones, Batı Felsefesi Tarihi (cilt 1), çev. Hakkı Hünler (İstanbul: Paradigma Yay., 2006

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

1) Lecture
2) Question-Answer
3) Discussion
4) Brain Storming
5) Six Hat Methods
6) Self Study

Assessment Methods and Criteria

Contribution of Midterm Examination to Course Grade


Contribution of Final Examination to Course Grade




Language of Instruction


Work Placement(s)

Not Required