Course Unit Title Course Unit Code Type of Course Unit Level of Course Unit Year of Study Semester ECTS Credits
Cloud Computing YZM416 Elective Bachelor's degree 4 Spring 5

Name of Lecturer(s)

Assistant Prof. Dr. Yasemin GÜLTEPE
Assistant Prof. Dr. Kaplan KAPLAN

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1) Gains the knowledge and skills to learn and apply the basic concepts of Cloud Computing and Big Data.
2) Gains the ability to find and extract information from Big Data heaps in Cloud Computing environment.
3) Gains the ability to extract and analyze information from large data heaps on the Cloud Computing platform.
4) Bulut Bilişim platformları ile ilgili beceriler kazanır.
5) Gains skills about Big Data tools.

Program Competencies-Learning Outcomes Relation

  Program Competencies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Learning Outcomes
1 High High Middle Middle Low Low Low Middle Low Low Low Low
2 High High Low Middle Low Low Low Middle Low Low Middle Low
3 High High Low Middle Low Low Low Middle Low Low Middle Low
4 High No relation Middle High Low High Middle Middle Middle Low Low Low
5 High High Middle Middle High High Middle Middle Middle Low Low Low

Mode of Delivery

Face to Face

Prerequisites and Co-Requisites


Recommended Optional Programme Components

Not Required

Course Contents

The course content will cover topics such as new programming paradigms, virtualization environments, and big scientific data analysis within the scope of cloud programming. In addition, many research articles in the field of cloud computing will be learned, presented and discussed.

Recommended or Required Reading

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Assessment Methods and Criteria

Language of Instruction


Work Placement(s)

Not Required