
Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I (de)


Faculty of Fine Arts
First Cycle (Bachelor's Degree)
Course Unit Title Course Unit Code Type of Course Unit Level of Course Unit Year of Study Semester ECTS Credits
Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I (de) AIT301 Compulsory Bachelor's degree 3 Fall 2

Name of Lecturer(s)

Lecturer(31.c) Özge ASLANMİRZA
Prof. Dr. Funda SELÇUK ŞİRİN
Prof. Dr. İbrahim ŞİRİN
Associate Prof. Dr. Esma TORUN ÇELİK
Associate Prof. Dr. Harun Mustafa TÖLE
Assistant Prof. Dr. Özge ASLANMİRZA
Assistant Prof. Dr. Erol ÇETİN
Assistant Prof. Dr. Sema ORSOY
Assistant Prof. Dr. Oğuz POLATEL
Assistant Prof. Dr. Mehmet SARIOĞLU
Assistant Prof. Dr. Gülcan YILMAZ
Lecturer Süleyman PEKİN
Lecturer Şener AKSU
Lecturer Bilgin AYHAN
Lecturer Sıdıka CEBECİ
Lecturer Muhammet Emin ÇAYCİ
Lecturer Kazım ÇELİK
Lecturer Bahadır DEMİRCAN
Lecturer Öznur FEYİZOĞLU
Lecturer Ahmet Vasfi KORKMAZ
Lecturer Soner KULAK
Lecturer Çiğdem KÜLÇÜR ÖZGÖREN
Lecturer Hasan Hüseyin MUNYAR
Lecturer Sibel ORHAN
Lecturer Sibel ÖZPINAR
Lecturer Vicdan ÖZTÜRK
Lecturer Güldal SUN
Lecturer Berrin TUNÇAY
Lecturer Mehmet ULUSOY
Lecturer Sinan YAKAY
Lecturer Ayla YÜKSEL
Lecturer Dr. Abidin ÇEVİK
Lecturer Dr. Gülten MADENDAĞ
Lecturer Dr. Melih YİGİT

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1) Comprehend the developments of the late Ottoman Empire period.
2) Compare industrial revolutions in Europe with economic situation of the Ottoman Empire.
3) Define the effects of the French Revolution on the Ottoman Empire. Comprehend the constitutional process in the Ottoman Empire and comparing it with Europe.
4) Comprehend the lead to constituonal period of Ottaman Empire and compare it with Europe.
5) Comprehend the political struggle between the Ottoman Empire and European States in the19th century.
6) State the weakness of the Ottoman Empire during Balkan Wars and compare this with Balkan States.
7) Comprehend the colonization struggle among European states after the World War I.
8) Decribe the condition of the Ottoman Empire after the World War I.

Program Competencies-Learning Outcomes Relation

  Program Competencies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Learning Outcomes
1 High High High High High No relation Low High High High High High No relation No relation Low
2 High High High High High No relation Low High High High High High No relation No relation Low
3 High High High High High No relation Low High High High High High No relation No relation Low
4 No relation High High High High No relation Low High High High High High No relation No relation Low
5 No relation High High High High No relation Low High High High High High No relation No relation Low
6 High High High High High No relation Low High High No relation High No relation No relation No relation Low
7 High High High High High No relation Low High High High High High No relation No relation Low
8 High High High High High No relation Low High High High High High No relation No relation Low

Mode of Delivery


Prerequisites and Co-Requisites


Recommended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

This course covers general conditions of Turkey after the Independence War, the foundation of the Republic, revolutions in political, juridical, social, cultural and educational fields, Atatürk’s struggle against opponents of the revolution, the emergence of one-party state, Turkey in the Second World War, transition to democracy, internal and foreign conditions after Republic and Atatürk's principles.and 1945-1960 period internal and external developments and the reflections of those affairs to our time since 1960.

Weekly Schedule

1) Modernization and Europe
2) The French Revolution and Europe and the Ottoman influence
3) The first period of the Ottoman Empire in the westernization efforts, westernization efforts in the first period of the Tanzimat and Islahat Ottoman Empire, Tanzimat and Islahat era of the English The French Revolution, understand them the effects on the Ottoman state.
4) First and Second Constitutional Period and currents of thought
5) Reasons for the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the Balkan Wars
6) The First World War, its causes, consequences and entry into the war the Ottoman
7) Armistice Armistice and the invasion of Anatolia
8) Midterm / Evaluation
9) Ataturk is sent to Samsun, Amasya Circular
10) The organization of the national struggle, Erzurum and Sivas Congress
11) Armed stage of the national struggle, Inonu, Sakarya Wars and Grand Attack
12) treaty of sevr
13) Mudanya and Turkish Political Life
14) The Lausanne Peace Treaty
15) The Lausanne Peace Treaty
16) Semester final exam

Recommended or Required Reading

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

1) Discussion
2) Drill and Practice
3) Demonstration
4) Modelling
5) Role Playing
6) Group Study
7) Simulation
8) Brain Storming
9) Six Hat Methods
10) Case Study
11) Lab / Workshop
12) Self Study
13) Problem Solving
14) Project Based Learning

Assessment Methods and Criteria

Contribution of Midterm Examination to Course Grade


Contribution of Final Examination to Course Grade




Language of Instruction


Work Placement(s)

Not Required