Course Unit Title Course Unit Code Type of Course Unit Level of Course Unit Year of Study Semester ECTS Credits
Family Planning and Infertility Nursing SBH308 Elective Bachelor's degree 3 Spring 4

Name of Lecturer(s)

Lecturer İlknur OVALI URAN

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1) Describe family planning
2) Explain the purpose of family planning
3) Explain the importance of family planning
4) They can discuss population policy in the world and Turkey
5) Count family planning methods
6) Advise on family planning
7) Can define infertility
8) Know the methods used to diagnose infertility
9) Infertility can counsel couples as a nurse
10) Provide pre-marital counseling
11) Reproductive Health and Sexuality counseling knows the importance

Program Competencies-Learning Outcomes Relation

  Program Competencies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Learning Outcomes
1 Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Low
2 Low Low Middle Low Middle High Middle High Middle High Middle High
3 Middle Middle High High High Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle High High
4 Low Middle Low Middle Middle Middle High High High High Middle Middle
5 Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Low Low Low
6 High High High Middle Middle Middle Middle Low Low Low Middle High
7 Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle High
8 Low Middle Low Middle Low Middle Low Middle Low Middle Low Middle
9 Middle Middle Middle Middle High Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle
10 High Middle Low Middle High Middle Low Middle High High Middle Low
11 Middle High Middle High Middle High Middle High Middle High Middle High

Mode of Delivery

Face to Face

Prerequisites and Co-Requisites


Recommended Optional Programme Components

Obstetrıc and Gynecology Nursıng , Ethics

Course Contents

Access to family planning, the definition of family planning and the importance of the purpose of family planning in the world and in Turkey, family planning history of work, today and tomorrow, the world and population policies in Turkey, the problems posed by rapid population growth, the benefits of family planning, family planning counseling, (lactation) amenorrhea method (lam), voluntary surgical sterilization (tube ligation-vasectomy), postpartum and post-abortion methods, as well as evaluation of the applicant, intrauterine devices, hormonal contraceptive methods, barrier methods (condom, diaphragm, spermicides) contraception, emergency contraception, contraception in special circumstances, infertility

Weekly Schedule

1) The purpose of family planning and the history of family planning studies
2) World and family planning policies in Turkey
3) Quality of Family Planning Services
4) Reproductive Health and Sexuality
5) Premarital Counseling
6) Family Planning Consultancy
7) Mid-Examination
8) Family Planning Methods I
9) Family Planning Methods II
10) Family Planning Methods III
11) Infertility Nursing
12) Infertility Nursing
13) Homework / Presentations
14) Homework / Presentations
15) Homework / prezentatıon
16) Homework /Presentation

Recommended or Required Reading

1- Aile Planlamasında Temel Bilgiler, İnsan Kaynağını Geliştirme Vakfı, İstanbul, 1997.
2- Dervişoğlu A. A.:Kontraseptif Yöntemler, Uluslararası Basım, İnsan Kaynağını Geliştirme Vakfı, İstanbul,1997.
3- Aile Planlaması Klinik Uygulama El Kitabı, İnsan Kaynağını Geliştirme Vakfı, İstanbul, 1996.
4- Aile Planlaması Dersi Öğrenci El Kitabı, Sağlık Bakanlığı 2007.
5- Ulusal Rehber I,II, Sağlık Bakanlığı, 2014.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

1) Lecture
2) Question-Answer
3) Discussion
4) Role Playing
5) Group Study

Assessment Methods and Criteria

Contribution of Semester Studies to Course Grade





Semester Studies

Midterm Examination







Contribution of Final Examination to Course Grade




Language of Instruction


Work Placement(s)

Not Required