Course Unit Title Course Unit Code Type of Course Unit Level of Course Unit Year of Study Semester ECTS Credits
Marketing Communications PAP209 Compulsory Associate degree 2 Fall 2

Name of Lecturer(s)

??? Öğretim Elemanı belli değildir
Associate Prof. Dr. Duygu FIRAT
Associate Prof. Dr. Ehlinaz TORUN KAYABAŞI
Associate Prof. Dr. Sema YILMAZ GENÇ
Assistant Prof. Dr. Hale BÜTÜN BAYRAM
Assistant Prof. Dr. Okan ŞENELDİR
Lecturer Elvan AKSEN
Lecturer Yalçın ARSLAN
Lecturer Tülin BAYRAKTAR
Lecturer Ertan KARAÇAY
Lecturer Simin YAZICI
Lecturer Dr. Bahar AYDIN CAN
Lecturer Dr. Süheyla BAYRAKTAR

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1) To be able to explain the relationship between marketing and communication
1) To be able to explain the relationship between marketing and communication
1) To be able to explain the relationship between marketing and communication
1) To be able to explain the relationship between marketing and communication
2) Marketing communication strategies
2) Marketing communication strategies
2) Marketing communication strategies
2) Marketing communication strategies
3) To be able to apprehend place in marketing communication of the advertisement which is one of the elements of marketing communication
3) To be able to apprehend place in marketing communication of the advertisement which is one of the elements of marketing communication
3) To be able to apprehend place in marketing communication of the advertisement which is one of the elements of marketing communication
3) To be able to apprehend place in marketing communication of the advertisement which is one of the elements of marketing communication
4) To be able to apprehend contributions to marketing communication of the public relations
4) To be able to apprehend contributions to marketing communication of the public relations
4) To be able to apprehend contributions to marketing communication of the public relations
4) To be able to apprehend contributions to marketing communication of the public relations
5) Difference aspects of the personal selling and its importance on the marketing communication
5) Difference aspects of the personal selling and its importance on the marketing communication
5) Difference aspects of the personal selling and its importance on the marketing communication
5) Difference aspects of the personal selling and its importance on the marketing communication

Program Competencies-Learning Outcomes Relation

  Program Competencies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Learning Outcomes
1 Middle High High Middle High Middle Low High Middle Middle Middle Low Middle High
1 Middle High High Middle Middle Middle No relation Middle High Middle No relation High High High
1 Middle Middle Middle No relation Low High Middle Low High High Middle Middle Middle Middle
1 High Middle High High Middle Middle Middle Low High Middle Middle Low Low Low
2 Middle High Middle High Middle Middle High Middle High Middle No relation Low Low Low
2 Middle High High Middle High High Middle High Middle High Middle Middle Middle High
2 Middle High High High Middle Middle High Middle High Low High Middle High Middle
2 Middle High Middle Middle Low Middle Middle Low Middle Low High High Middle Middle
3 Low Middle Low High Middle Low High Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Low
3 Middle Middle Middle High High Middle High Middle High Middle Low Middle Low Middle
3 Low Middle Middle No relation High Middle High High Middle High Middle Middle Middle Low
3 High Middle Middle Low High Middle Low Middle High Low High Middle Middle High
4 Low Middle Middle High High Middle Middle High Middle High Middle Middle Middle Middle
4 Middle Low Middle Middle High Middle Middle High Middle Middle High Middle Middle Middle
4 Low Middle Middle High Middle Middle High Middle Middle High High High Middle Middle
4 Middle Low Middle High Middle Low High Middle High High Middle High Middle Middle
5 Low No relation Middle Middle Middle No relation Middle High High Middle High High High High
5 Low Middle Middle High High Middle Middle High No relation High High High High High
5 Low Middle High High Middle Middle High High High Middle Middle Low Middle Middle
5 High High High Low Low Low Middle High Middle High Middle High High High

Mode of Delivery

Face to Face

Prerequisites and Co-Requisites


Recommended Optional Programme Components

Service Marketing, Marketing Communication, Customer Relationship Management

Course Contents

Relation between marketing and communication, concept and charasteristics of marketing communication, marketing communication and persuasion, marketing communication strategy, marketing communication messages, designing the marketing mix, elements of marketing mix, promotion mix, advertising as communication process, public relations and announcement, types of announcement, personal selling, sales promotion, sales promotion objectives, sales promotion activities, ınstitution ıdentity, product, trademark and package, communication dimension of distribution and price, direct marketing.

Weekly Schedule

1) Definition of marketing communication, its importance, relationship of marketing communication with 4Ps (Product, Price, Distribution, Promotion).
2) Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Content: Basic principles, reasons and benefits of integrated marketing communications (IMC).
3) Market segmentation, targeting, positioning strategies and the role of marketing communications in these processes.
4) how consumer behavior plays a role in marketing communications, the purchasing process
5) Brand identity, brand positioning, brand loyalty and brand image creation
6) Ad types, creation of advertising messages and campaign
7) Public relations activities, crisis management, corporate reputation and media relations
8) Midterm examination/Assessment
9) Social media, digital advertising, content marketing, email marketing.
10) Direct Marketing and Sales Promotions
11) Event marketing, sponsorship strategies and applications
12) Media planning processes, media tools, media budget and target audience selection
13) Marketing Research and Measurement
14) Marketing communication strategies in global markets, cultural differences.
15) Overall Rating homework presentation

Recommended or Required Reading

1- Pazarlama İletişim İle Bütünleşti Yazar: Ayşe Müge Yazgan Yayınevi: Beta Yayınları
1- .Pazarlama İletişim İle Bütünleşti Yazar: Ayşe Müge Yazgan Yayınevi: Beta Yayınları

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

1) Lecture
2) Lecture
3) Modelling
4) Modelling
5) Group Study
6) Group Study
7) Case Study
8) Lab / Workshop
9) Lab / Workshop

Assessment Methods and Criteria

Contribution of Semester Studies to Course Grade





Semester Studies

Short Exam / Quiz







Contribution of Final Examination to Course Grade




Language of Instruction


Work Placement(s)

Not Required