Course Unit Title Course Unit Code Type of Course Unit Level of Course Unit Year of Study Semester ECTS Credits
Turkish Sign Language EGT715 Elective Bachelor's degree 2 Fall 3

Name of Lecturer(s)

Lecturer(31.c) Lale DEMİRBİLEK
Lecturer(31.c) Gülden SIKI
Associate Prof. Dr. Levent DURDU
Associate Prof. Dr. Aslı EŞME
Assistant Prof. Dr. Doğan GÜLLÜ
Assistant Prof. Dr. Cüneyt YAZICI

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1) Explains the basic concepts of sign language
2) Explains Turkish sign language, its history and features
3) Recognizes letters in Turkish sign language.
4) Explains voice information; the internal structure of the sign, concurrency and consecutive notions
5) Defines and uses the hand alphabet in terms of phonetic information.
6) In the sign language, applies shape information the structure and configuration of the sign.
7) Defines word classes and pronouns; sign language; the concept of word sequence.
8) Uses sentence types and questionnaires.
9) Explains and uses Semantics in sign language; meaning and submission, types of meaning
10) Communicates via The Turkish sign language

Program Competencies-Learning Outcomes Relation

  Program Competencies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Learning Outcomes
1 No relation Middle Middle Middle High Middle High High High Middle High Middle High High High
2 High Middle Middle Middle High High High High Middle Middle Middle High High High High
3 High High Middle Middle High High High High High Middle Middle Middle Middle High High
4 High High High High High High High Middle Middle High High High Middle Middle High
5 High High High High High Middle High Middle High Middle Middle Middle Middle High Middle
6 High High High Middle Middle Middle High High High Middle Middle High High High Middle
7 High High Middle Middle High Middle Middle High High High Middle Middle High High High
8 High High High High Middle Middle High High High High Middle Middle Middle High High
9 High High High High Middle Middle High High High Middle Middle Middle High High High
10 High High High Middle Middle High High High Middle High High High High High High

Mode of Delivery

Face to Face

Prerequisites and Co-Requisites


Recommended Optional Programme Components

Not Required

Course Contents

Basic concepts related to sign language; Turkish sign language, history and characteristics; Letters in Turkish sign language; voice information; internal structure of sign, concurrency and succession; hand alphabet in terms of sound information; in sign language shape knowledge, construc- tion and configuration of sign; word classes and pronouns; sign language; word order, sentence types; questionnaires; semantics in sign language; meaning and sending, meaning types, idioms; Conversation with the Turkish sign language.

Weekly Schedule

1) Introduction to the course and general information about the course. the basic concepts of sign language
2) the basic concepts of sign language
3) letters in Turkish sign language.
4) voice information; the internal structure of the sign, concurrency and consecutive notions
5) voice information; the internal structure of the sign, concurrency and consecutive notions
6) the hand alphabet in terms of phonetic information.
7) the hand alphabet in terms of phonetic information.
8) Mid Term
9) shape information the structure and configuration of the sign.
10) word classes and pronouns; sign language; the concept of word sequence.
11) sentence types and questionnaires.
12) Semantics in sign language; meaning and submission, types of meaning
13) Semantics in sign language; meaning and submission, types of meaning
14) Communication via The Turkish sign language
15) Communication via The Turkish sign language
16) Final examination

Recommended or Required Reading

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Assessment Methods and Criteria

Language of Instruction


Work Placement(s)

Not Required