Course Unit Title Course Unit Code Type of Course Unit Level of Course Unit Year of Study Semester ECTS Credits
Global Infectious Diseases OMP205 Elective Associate degree 2 Fall 4

Name of Lecturer(s)

Assistant Prof. Dr. Rüştü TAŞTAN

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit

1) Explain the effects of globalization on public health.
2) Comment the effects of climate change and ecological change on health.
3) Define the impact of globalization, the epidemiology of emerging infection diseases.
4) Define socioeconomic effects of Emerging Zoonotic Diseases and interpret the results.
5) Comment global human and animal movements harmful effects on public health.
6) Create in society awareness to raise about globalization and human-animal-environment interaction.
7) Define struggling with Emerging Zoonotic Diseases, the responsibilities of the national and international health organizations.
8) Define and interpret results of the socioeconomic impact of "Neglected Zoonotic Diseases" in the world and Turkey.

Program Competencies-Learning Outcomes Relation

  Program Competencies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Learning Outcomes
1 High No relation No relation No relation High No relation No relation Middle
2 No relation No relation No relation No relation High No relation No relation Middle
3 No relation No relation No relation High No relation No relation No relation High
4 Middle No relation No relation Middle No relation No relation No relation High
5 No relation No relation No relation No relation High No relation No relation Middle
6 High No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation
7 Middle No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation No relation High
8 No relation Middle No relation No relation No relation Low No relation High

Mode of Delivery

Face to Face

Prerequisites and Co-Requisites


Recommended Optional Programme Components


Course Contents

Globalization and the definitions of the globalization process. The effects of globalization on public health. Socio-economic dynamics of globalization and infectious diseases. Globalisation, ecology, eco-health and climate change. Ecological changes, climate change and emerging infections. Ecotourism, touristic human movements and emerging infections. Global trade and animal movements and emerging infections. The effects of unplanned urbanization and deforestation on emerging infections. Social effects of emerging zoonoses (BSE, SARS, CCHF, Bird Flu). Emerging zoonotic infectious diseases in Turkey and social and economic effects. In the globalizing world and Turkey, "the former zoonoses" social and economic effects. Emerging zoonotic infections, prevention methods and mass media. Global emerging infections and educational and organizational approaches to combat infections. National and international efforts to fight global emerging infections.

Weekly Schedule

1) Globalization and the definitions of the globalization process.
2) The effects of globalization on public health
3) Socio-economic dynamics of globalization and infectious diseases.
4) The effects of globalization on ecology and climate change.
5) The effects of climate change on ecological and emerging infections.
6) Ecotourism, touristic human movements and emerging infections.
7) Global trade and animal movements and emerging infections.
8) Midterm examination/Assessment
9) The effects of unplanned urbanization and deforestation on emerging infections.
10) Social effects of emerging zoonoses (BSE, SARS, CCHF, Bird Flu, Swine Flu).
11) Emerging zoonotic infectious diseases in Turkey and social and economic effects.
12) "the former zoonoses" social and economic effects in the globalizing world and Turkey.
13) Emerging zoonotic infections, prevention methods and mass media.
14) Global emerging infections and educational and organizational approaches to combat infections.
15) National and international efforts to fight global emerging infections.
16) Final examination

Recommended or Required Reading

1- Küresel Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları 2021- 2022 Yılı Ders notları (sunumlar)
2- Vektörlerle Bulaşan Hastalıklar: İklim Değişikliği ve Küreselleşmenin Tetiklediği Yeni Tehdit ( https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332718308 Vector-Borne Diseases New Threats Triggered by Climate Change and Globalization Vektorlerle Bulasan Hastaliklar Iklim Degisikligi ve Kuresellesmenin Tetikledigi Yeni Tehdit)
3- Taştan, R. “Küresel ısınma ve iklim değişikliği ile mücadele edilerek zoonoz hastalıklar ortadan kaldırılabilir” Tarım ve Köy Der. Mart-Nisan 2010 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312305005 Kuresel Isinma Iklim Degisikligi ve Zoonotik Hastaliklar Ile Mucadele Combating Global Warming Climate Change and Zoonotic Diseases veya https://avesis.kocaeli.edu.tr/yayin/05cf2dfb-e279-47d9-b8e2-5c0aa67dafa0/kuresel-isinma-iklim-degisikligi-ve-yenicikan-zoonoz-hastaliklarla-mucadele
4- Saker, L., Lee, K. at all. Globalization and infectious diseases: A review of the linkages. http://apps.who.int/tdr/publications/tdr-research-publications/globalization-infectious-diseases/pdf/seb topic3.pdf
5- Tekbaş, F. ve ark.; Küresel Isınma, İklim Değişiklikleri ve Sağlık Etkileri, Ankara, 2005. www.halksagligi.org/.../index.php?...iklimdegisikligivesaglik.pdf

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

1) Lecture
2) Question-Answer
3) Drill and Practice
4) Group Study
5) Brain Storming
6) Self Study

Assessment Methods and Criteria

Contribution of Midterm Examination to Course Grade


Contribution of Final Examination to Course Grade




Language of Instruction


Work Placement(s)

Not Required